How to Fish Out Terrorist Analogous Talk During Discreet Communication Surveillance Interception

The terrorists, drug cartel, foreign spies, and criminals all realize by now that the good-guys or Big Brother is watching and listening. Listening to and watching what you ask; well, more often than not – everything. Okay so, let’s talk about this shall we?

There was an interesting article in NextGov on May 24, 2012 titled; “Pentagon Enlists Scientists to Build Intel-Decoding Software,” by Dawn Lim which stated that;

“The Pentagon is launching a four-and-a-half-year research funding effort to build computer software that can analyze intelligence data and “see through language” to tease out hidden meanings in texts, cutting the time for analysts to file intel reports. The experimental program; Deep Exploration and Filtering of Text would be software to scan one or more languages; Arabic, Cebuano, Chinese, Pashto, Dari, Farsi, Ilocano, Spanish, Tagalog and Urdu.”

Well, let me ask a question here; Can we use analogies and AI cognitive science to do this?
Now then, if we use Douglas Hofstadter’s concept and theory is that perhaps we should look at “Analogy as the Core of Cognition,” we may have the basis to get this done. In fact, go to YouTube and see the video by that name which is 1:08 but well worth the time.

Okay so, if we use the Douglas’ concept as the foundation to solve this problem, we ought to be able to catch a drug dealer from a Mexican Cartel saying; “We will deliver the Frijolies to the bakers on Friday before noon” and the software would pick up the potential analogous comment, identify it, and flag it? AI can solve this problem right?

Why, because purposeful use of analogies by targets maybe telling us something, especially when seemingly random analogies later correspond to actual events. Once this verbal code is deciphered, it should be rather easy to root out more intelligence, using AI rather than paying 10s of thousands of hours day reviewing these discussions. Perhaps, it really is possible to solve this problem, at least I believe it is.

You can expect the targets to use elaborate schemes, and noticeably nonchalant dialogue to bypass scrutiny, but as they get smarter and trickier, so too will our own artificial intelligence as it learns the tricks of the trade, and what is or isn’t actual intelligence. This plus, voice signature, voice inflection, electronic voice falsehood speech and we ought to be able to win this game.

Perhaps this is why it seems relevant to work harder to develop these technologies, well that’s my personal and professional opinion anyway. Please consider all this and think on it – and yes, I am available for consulting, but you have to load up my Starbucks card to prove you are legitimate first.

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