How To Throw a Great Party Using Party Games

Everyone has attended a party that was a dud. If you are the host this can be awful. But there is something to quickly remedy the celebration – Party Games!

Party games rapidly provide visitors with plenty of opportunity to meet other people and they are also fun. I’ve never attended a party where these games were played and I didn’t have a good time. The following few games are my favorite ones to have fun with at a gathering.

Wink ‘Um
This game feels like a detective game. Have your group sit in a circle. With a deck of cards, take out enough cards so that each group member has a card. Make sure that a card is the ace of spades. The person with the ace of spades discreetly winks at the other players. If you are winked at, you say, I’ve been murdered, then toss your card in the middle of the circle. Any dead person is out of the game. The point of the game is to figure out who has the ace of spades. If you think you know, say that you want to guess. If you are wrong, you forfeit and die. If you are right you win.

Who Am I
This is an enjoyable game that helps with communication. Each player writes down a famous person’s name on paper. Then every participant is given one of the papers (that is not their own). Without looking at it, they must affix it to their chest with tape. The other players can see who you are, but you have to guess. You can only ask yes or no questions to the rest of the group. Taking turns you will begin to get an impression of who you are. When you think you know, you may guess. Once you guess the right person, you can help the other players until everybody has guessed. Another version is everybody sits in a circle. The card with the name on it is affixed to the chest. One player at a time may ask a yes or no question. The rest of the group will answer. The first player to guess right wins.

This activity is a classic. Each player should write down names of TV shows, activities, movies, books etc. these are put into a hat, and each player draws a paper. Once a paper is drawn, the player’s objective is then to perform what is written on their paper, without speaking. The other group members must yell out guesses as the player performs.

Would You Rather Questions
Each person in the group thinks of two difficult choices. They then pose the question by saying would you rather… followed by the two choices. If there are lots of people playing, then everyone should take a turn asking the group a question. Or, if there are too many players to hear everyone’s answer then spin a bottle so that only one player responds a question.

To show you, I have included a selection of would you rather questions to get you started:

• Would you rather butter or whipped cream?
• Would you rather eat a rotten apple with worms or eat blue cheese covered liver?
• Would you rather be on a constant diet or never be able to diet again?
• Would you rather be a vampire or stay human?
• Would you rather die young but be happy or die old but be miserable?
• Would you rather live alone in a dark small hole for a year or be in jail for 20 years?
• Would you rather date Quagmire from Family Guy or date Moe from the Simpsons?

By playing these games your visitors will have an amazing time at your party. They w

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